We don’t realize how fortunate we really are, when we so easily can get the Buffalo Mozzarella at our nearest, medium or large chain, grocery store. This item is a fairly perishable cheese and it is imported from Italy. From the day of production, you have 30 days...
Let me introduce to all of you the “Ace of Spades” of cheeses: Buffalo Mozzarella! It is very often the first plate decorating a dinner table; the first tray emptied at a buffet; and it works wonders with just a few slices of tomatoes added, as a complete and very...
Hi there, Hope you all had a great weekend, I had a really good but hectic one so please bear with me! Having managed to somehow delete today’s post we will have to start with what was initially supposed to be Thursdays post, today. Let me introduce to all of...