Macchi inc.'s Burrata Prepared by Chef Derek Dammann at Restaurant DNA
Hello everyone!
It’s Saturday morning and Paolo and I are having our morning coffee and finished reading Lesley Chesterman’s article in today’s Montreal Gazette about a tasting she had with Paolo at Restaurant DNA in Montreal, performed by part owner and Executive Chef Derek Dammann.
For the readers that have “been” with me from the beginning, you all know that I started the “blogging” on the Macchi Inc. facebook fan page, not long ago. I then, spoke very briefly about Burrata as my first introduction to our products. Thanks to the huge and positive feedback and everyones comments it made it very easy for me to know what you were all interested in reading about.
Having that said, I would like to thank you all for your support and please continue commenting about our posts and let me know what more it is that you would like to hear about.
To our dear and valued clients; Our next shipment of Burrata will be received on September the 9th, pre-orders for this “batch” have to be in latest Wednesday, August 26th.
Enjoy another one of Lesley Chestermans very informative and great article
Click here to view it.
Wishing you all a relaxed and enjoyable weekend, and a great Saturday and Sunday dinner service to all of our clients!