All you need to know about Black Truffle Carpaccio

All you need to know about Black Truffle Carpaccio

I am, and have been on vacation, in the Quebec Eastern Townships ( Canton L’Est ) since wednesday. Spending quality time with close friends and family, over many good meals from, makes you realize that to accomplish a successfull dinner; everything...
Macchi’s Truffled Dwarf Peaches Serving Suggestion

Macchi’s Truffled Dwarf Peaches Serving Suggestion

TRUFFLED DWARF PEACHES … WITH CHEESE! I love Truffled Dwarf Peaches with everything but mostly I love them on their own. Here is how I had them on Sunday night after dinner: as a side dish with our cheeses. “Miss Diva” appeared elegantly in whole and sliced on...
Paolo’s Truffled Dwarf Peaches Recipe: Vitello Tonnato

Paolo’s Truffled Dwarf Peaches Recipe: Vitello Tonnato

  One of our all time favorite dishes is “Vitello Tonnato” (cold veal with tuna sauce). For the ones that have never tasted it before, this dish might not sound too appealing. Trust me though, the tuna sauce is so mild in taste and silky in texture, that it feels...
Tips and Tricks On What To Do With A Truffled Dwarf Peach

Tips and Tricks On What To Do With A Truffled Dwarf Peach

From the day that the dwarf peaches are jarred they have a two year “best before” date. There is no need to refrigerate the jar before its opened. Store it in a room or cupboard away from sunlight and higher heat than room temperature. Before opening the jar I would...
Have You Ever Heard Of Truffled Dwarf Peaches?

Have You Ever Heard Of Truffled Dwarf Peaches?

The new “Diva” is in town and she is here to stay and rock every plate and party! Have you ever heard of “Truffled Dwarf Peaches”? Neither had I, until five years ago when I met with the person that is now supplying Macchi Inc. with this unique and one of a kind...
Macchi’s recipe with Grana Padano

Macchi’s recipe with Grana Padano

Spinach salad with parmigiano Grana Padano – Picture taken by Montreal photographer Vadim Daniel Previously today I showed you how you can really enjoy having parmigiano on it’s own without hardly any preparation! I will now show you one of my favorite...